Using Metro Retro FAQs

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What is Design Mode?

When you enter Design Mode (using the switcher at the top of the left toolbar) you are able to edit the board layout. While you are in Design Mode, your participants can continue the meeting on the board, and it will update in real-time for them.

What is this 'slapping' thing?

Metro Retro aims to make collaborative and fun experiences and this can be seen in our ‘slapping’ feature. To give a fellow collaborator a ‘slap’, just hold the Space bar, and with your mouse, move your avatar through theirs, fast. This helps them wake up, get a move on and keep the collaboration going.

How many people can use a board at one time?

As many as you want or need to complete the task at hand. You will see the users on a board down the right-hand side by their pictures. We suggest a maximum of 50 people collaborating at any one time on a board as it can be chaotic. If the number of people on the board is too much visually, you can use the “Hide other people” setting available in your Preferences, top right.

What is the Move Tool?

The Move Tool is the default state for users and enables you to create a post it note (double click anywhere on the screen) and to move the post it or other content around as desired.

What is the Comment Tool?

The Comment Tool allows you to attach comments to post-its that you or others have written. Once a post-it has a comment it will show a speech bubble icon that you can click to view the comment chain. With the tool selected, click on the post-it you want to comment on. Hit enter when you have finished your message to save it.

What is the Reaction Tool?

The Reaction Tool allows you to add any type of emoji to a post it note – and as many times as you like. You can not add a reaction to any other part of the screen currently and you can only remove it by ‘Undoing’ your action (Ctrl+Z). You can remove a reaction with right-click when the reaction or marker tools are equipped.

What is the Confetti Tool?

The Confetti Tool allows you to create a sense of achievement, fun and happiness within your retros. Once you have selected the tool, simply click once anywhere on the board and then drag a release – this will then ‘pop’ the confetti canon live on screen for everyone to enjoy.

What is the Ping Tool?

The Ping tool allows you to draw attention to an area with an animated arrow. It is visible for around 5 seconds to everyone on the board. The arrow can be clicked by a participant, and they will be brought to that area of the board. Tip: Press the Tab key on your keyboard to drop a Ping at any time, you don’t need to equip the tool first!

Where do I find out which features/ bugs are being released next on MR?

We currently have no publicly visible backlog for our users to be able to track our next exciting feature releases. Talk to us if you want to discuss our upcoming features. You can see our latest updates at

How can I find out what the retrospective templates mean and how I can use them with my team?

At the top of each board created from one of our pre-filled templates is a text box containing information on how and why to use the specific template. This will be there for each new templated board you create – unless you choose to delete it, which you can by simply deleting the text box.

How do I create a MR account?

When you first visit Metro Retro you will be asked to create an account. This can be with email and password or social login.

How do I log into MR?

When you return to Metro Retro after you have successfully created an account, you will be automatically logged into the tool. This is due to the cookies that we use within the browser and for your ease of use. If you visit Metro Retro from another computer, browser or clear your cookies then you will need to log in again with the same account credentials you used to create the account originaly (Gmail, Github or Slack).

How long are my boards/ content available for?

Metro Retro currently store content indefinitely until the user deletes the board, or the team account the board is stored in.

Can I use any short cuts in MR?
  • Press the H key to return to the centre of the board.

  • Press the Tab key to drop a “Ping” arrow.

  • Press the 1 key to equip the Ping tool.

  • Press the 2 key to equip the vanishing pen.

  • Press the 3 key to equip the confetti cannon.

  • Press the 4 key to equip the “Throw Hat” tool (note – you need to pick a hat from your picture in the top right first

Can I remove someones access to a board?

Yes, you can remove external guests from your board. If a team member has access to a board through being a member of a workspace, you will not be able to remove them.

Can I rename my board?

When you are in a board, click on the board name in the header bar to rename the board. You can also do this from the dashboard.

What is the Text Tool?

The text tool allows you to add custom text to your board. You can use the text tool to provide instructions or decoration to your design. Click on the board at the position you would like the text and type out your message.

What is the Insert Image Tool?

The Insert Image Tool allows you to add an image to your board. You can use images to help decorate your board or provide instructions and annotations to your session design. Drag and drop or copy/paste an image from anywhere, search through Pixabay, or add from a URL. PNG, SVG,JPG and GIF formats can be imported.

What is the Zone Tool?

The Zone Tool allows you to edit the zones you have created or that have come standardly with your selected template. You can: 1 – rename the Zone headers and Emojis; 2 – Change the size and shape of the Zones; 3 – Add or Delete Zones; 4 – Change the colour of the post it notes that will appear in each zones as they are created or moved around the board.

How do I leave a board?

If you are a Guest to the board, the meeting host can remove you.

Last updated